August 2016
Section 1. Name
The name of this association shall be the St. Johns Coastal Counseling Association (SCCA).
Section 2. Affiliation
The general nature of this association shall be a non-profit organization of counseling personnel affiliated with the Florida School Counseling Association (FSCA) and the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia.
Section 3. Objectives
The objectives of this association shall be:
1. To promote and improve professional standards and advocacy in the field of school counseling services.
2. To enhance effective, ethical and appropriate school counseling services.
3. To unite professionals who are actively involved and/or individuals who are interested in various aspects of school counseling services.
4. To make available professional development opportunities.
5. To provide an opportunity for discourse concerning school counseling issues and to research, review, reflect, and present a collective response.
6. To publicize information and focus attention on legislation affecting the ability to provide appropriate school counseling services.
Section 1. Annual Dues
Dues for this association shall cover the period July 1 through June 30.
2. Dues for members shall be decided upon by the Executive Board on a yearly basis.
3. Dues may be paid anytime throughout the fiscal year but will not be prorated.
Section 2. Membership
Membership in the Association will be granted, upon payment of dues, to any person whose primary responsibilities or interests are in the areas of human development such as school counseling, psychology, social work, and related community service agencies. Membership will be severed upon non-payment of dues.
Section 3. Types of Membership
A. Regular Member
1. Any person in St. Johns County (or surrounding counties) whose primary responsibilities are in the areas of human development such as school counseling, psychology, social work, and related community service agencies is eligible for membership.
2. Regular members shall be entitled to both the privilege of participating in discussion and the right to vote in the concerns of the association.
B. Student Member
1. Graduate or undergraduate students in St. Johns County or the surrounding area, interested in the counseling profession, may join the association.
2. Student members have the right for discussion but are not eligible to vote.
C. Corporate Member
1. Corporations or agencies whose primary mission is in such areas of human development human development such as school counseling, psychology, social work, and related community service agencies.
2. Corporate members have the right for discussion but are not eligible to vote.
D. Honorary Member
1. Honorary membership may be granted, at the discretion of the SCCA Executive Board, to any individual or business who is interested in the objectives of the Association.
2. Honorary members have the right for discussion but are not eligible to vote.
Section 1. Description and Term of Office
The officers of SCCA shall include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian. All officers will serve a term of one year except for the Vice President, who will serve two years-one as Vice President and the next as President.
Section 2. Officers’ Duties
-Shall plan and preside over all meetings held during the term of office.
-Shall appoint all committees and designate committee chairpersons and shall be represented in all committees.
-Shall represent the Association or select a designee in the presentation of legislative matters to parties affecting its interests.
-Shall appoint an officer upon Executive Board vacancies within the current term.
2. President-elect (Vice President):
-Shall assist in planning all meetings and preside over meetings in the President’s absence.
-Shall be responsible for public relations activities.
-Shall assume the duties of the president upon completion of the one year term.
3. Secretary:
-Shall be responsible for recording and reporting all minutes of meetings.
-Shall conduct all correspondence relating to the Association.
-Shall issue all notices of meetings and other events.
-Shall serve as the co-chairperson of the membership committee and maintain a database of all members.
4. Treasurer:
-Shall receive, receipt, and deposit all monies payable to the Association in the form of dues or advertising fees.
-Shall assure the receipt and expenditure of funds when authorized by the president.
-Shall give a report of the financial statement at each meeting.
-Shall be responsible for accurate and true accounting of the Association’s finances which will be audited annually.
-Shall serve as the chairperson on the finance committee.
-Shall serve as the co-chairperson of the membership committee and maintain the database of all members.
-Shall preside in the absence of both the President and President-elect.
5. Historian:
-Shall maintain social media pages and association website.
-Shall take photos at all association events.
-Shall lead designing of all logos and other creative documents.
6. Executive Board:
The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers of SCCA and act as the advisory body of the Association.
The executive board:
-Shall make recommendations and establish policies to and for the organization.
-Shall review an annual budget to be presented to and voted upon by the membership.
-Shall develop an annual calendar of meetings and other events.
-Shall be responsible for the relations of SCCA to the Florida School Counseling Association.
Section 1. Candidate Qualifications
All candidates for elective office must be members in good standing of the Florida School Counseling Association.
Section 2. Elections
Officer candidates as announced by email, newsletters, or other means. This committee shall design the ballots and have them prepared for the annual meeting when voting shall occur. They shall tally the votes and give the results to the presiding officer who shall announce the new slate of officers to the membership.
Section 1. Amendments
A. Proposed changes to the by-laws must be made in writing to the President of the Association.
1. Requests for changes in the by-laws must be received by the President.
2. The membership may amend these By-laws by Executive Board.
Section 1. Regular Meetings
There shall be 4 meetings of the Association each year.
There will be 2 social events and 2 general meetings each school year.
Election of officers shall occur at the 2nd meeting.
The yearly budget shall be adopted at the 2nd meeting.
There shall be a minimum of four meetings during the year as set by the Executive Board.
Notification of said meetings shall be made at the beginning of the school year.
The Executive Board is responsible for establishing meeting locations.
Section 2. Special Meetings
A Special Meeting may be called at any time by the President or the Executive Board.
Section 3. Rules of Order
The most current revision of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the proceeding of the St. Johns Coastal Counseling Association.